Funny story | The Best Divorce Letter Ever

Funny story, Today we will laugh together through this funny story between a couple.

Funny story | The Best Divorce Letter Ever

The husband divorced his wife and cheated on her with her sister, not knowing that she had won $10 million and was on her way to wealth.

This is a humorous tale that encourages us to relieve the stresses of life through laughter and fun.

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Funny story

There is a saying that says

"Behind every unhappy woman is a great divorce lawyer and a lottery ticket" 

Ah, marriage. The sacred union of two souls, bound together by love, laughter, and the occasional thrown shoe.

But let's be honest, sometimes, the laughter fades, the love sours, and the only thing left flying through the air is a crumpled tissue (or, in extreme cases, a frozen pizza).

Funny story | The Best Divorce Letter Ever

The husband to his wife

Dear wife,

I'm writing you this letter, to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man for you for seven years, but I have nothing to show for it.

These last two weeks have been hell...

Your boss has informed me that you have resigned from your job, which means the end of your employment.

Last week, I came home without her noticing my new haircut, my favorite meal, and my new silk underwear.

You consumed your meal in 2 minutes and went straight to sleep after watching all your series.

You don't tell me you love me anymore, you don't want sex or anything that connects us, husband and wife.

Either you are cheating on me or you don't love me anymore, whatever the case, I'm gone your Ex-husband.

P.S. Don't try to find me. Your sister and I are planning to move to West Virginia together. I have a great life.

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 The wife to her husband

Dear Ex-husband

The recipient expressed gratitude for receiving your message, noting that it made their day special.

The speaker and the speaker have been married for seven years, but they acknowledge that a good man is far from what they have been.

I watch my soaps so much because they dowen out your constant whining and dripping too bad that doesn't work.

The speaker notices your recent haircut and immediately notices that you look like a girl.

My mother instilled in me the importance of not expressing negative opinions unless I can provide a constructive response.

And when you cooked my favorite food, you must have gotten me confused with my sister.

I turned away because of the $49.99 price and prayed it was a coincidence that my sister borrowed $50 that morning.

The narrator still loves his partner and believes he can solve his problems. After winning $10 million in the lottery, they quit their job and buy two tickets to Jamaica, but their partner is gone when they return home.

Everything happens for a reason, I guess. The sender expresses the hope that the recipient will live a fulfilling life.

My attorney stated that the letter I wrote guarantees that you will not receive any money from me. So take care.

Signed, by your EX-wife, Rich as hell and free.

The sender is not sure if he mentioned it or not, but their sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem.

Funny story | The Best Divorce Letter Ever

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This article is intended for humor only. If you are considering divorce, it is recommended that you seek advice from a qualified legal professional. And remember, gambling can be addictive, so play responsibly.

I hope you enjoyed this funny article! Let me know if you have any other requests.

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